
Waiting on God

A blog about people's thoughts, writings, and lives as followers of Jesus waiting on God.

Five Smooth Stones

What was going through David's mind when he was getting ready to fight Goliath? Why did he take five smooth stones? This imaginative retelling of the moments before that famous fight attempts to answer those questions and calls each of us to consider whether we are ready and willing to be used by God however He sees best.

Jonah 1:6 Call On Your God

A desperate captain wakes a sleeping prophet. What would it take to get us to wake up and start earnestly calling on our God?

Jonah 1:5 Aware or Unaware

Being caught unaware can be an eye-opening experience. And yet in the case of Jonah, who seemed very unaware, even that didn't move his heart to obey God as a storm chased him down while he was napping.

Jonah 1:4 God Intervenes

After Jonah set sail for Tarshish, God allowed him to get out to sea and think he was in the clear. It was only then that God sent the storm to get Jonah's attention and redirect him back to God's plan.

Jonah 1:3 A Runaway Heart

Jonah's decision to run away from the Lord was in stark contrast to what he was supposed to do. He was supposed to obey. He was supposed to go east. Instead, he went west and physically showed that his heart had already run away.

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