
Waiting on God

A blog about people's thoughts, writings, and lives as followers of Jesus waiting on God.

An Unexpected Journey

This story happened seven years ago, and as I recall, it was quite apparent that it was not the time to make a major life change. In fact, I really have no idea if it will ever happen at this point. But the thing I have learned, as the years have gone by, is that there does not always need to be a physical change to bring contentment and peace. I believe more often it is a heart change that brings contentment ... an attitude adjustment ... and an acceptance of what is, rather than what we wish it could be. 

Five Smooth Stones

What was going through David's mind when he was getting ready to fight Goliath? Why did he take five smooth stones? This imaginative retelling of the moments before that famous fight attempts to answer those questions and calls each of us to consider whether we are ready and willing to be used by God however He sees best.

Johnny Died Well

I can remember as a child my nightly prayer was this: Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my Soul to keep; If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my Soul to take. Frankly, that is a scary prayer my parents taught me to pray! There were some nights I did not want to go to sleep!

Get out of Neutral!

I recently had the unique privilege of teaching my grandson how to drive a stick shift. And I mean that in all sincerity and hilarity. His mom was not available and I was ... so he was stuck with "Grandma" as his instructor.

My Citizenship

I am just a little old(er) lady who likes to ponder and wonder about things and jot down some notes occasionally. My daughter tells me my epitaph will be, "She wondered as she wandered." Well, I can get pretty annoying with all of my "wondering" and accompanying questions. I do know that.

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