
Waiting on God

A blog about people's thoughts, writings, and lives as followers of Jesus waiting on God.

The Lord’s Prayer for 2023

Wow, Lord. Things are mighty ugly down here right now. So many people are hurting ... are hurt ... are angry ... are confused.  But you are good and righteous, and just, and Love. We need your kingdom to reign down here as you reign in heaven. A lot of us have so much daily bread, we're bloated. And a lot of us have so little, we're suffering. Please see us and give us what we need, and help those of us who have an abundance to share with those who have nothing. Many of us are holding debts against others ... it's not easy to forgive them. Some of us are doing really hurtful things to those we don't like. Please forgive us. And help us to forgive others the way you have canceled our debts against you. It seems the rebellious one has a great following right now. We need you to lead us away from his temptation to do evil. We need your kingdom to come and to reign in our hearts ...for you have the power and the glory forever and ever.  Amen.

from Matthew 6:9-13


Image by jcomp on Freepik

© 2023 Connie Caston McMaster All rights reserved


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