Seeking the Lost
After the announcements were given and a “missions moment” was shared, the lights were dimmed and we were all invited to stand to enter into our worship time. While we were singing, I noticed that a dear friend, who was standing in front of me, started looking for something … something that must have fallen … maybe a necklace or an earring. She checked her clothing and seat and floor, but she couldn’t find the item anywhere. It was quite dark and very difficult to see anything small that may have ended up on the floor. And she continued to try to find it with no success.
I reached out and tapped her on the shoulder and asked her what she was looking for so I could help her search from my row behind her. She told me what the item was, and I understood her concern and need to find it.
Suddenly a woman behind me asked what was lost, and when I told her, she turned her phone’s flashlight on, and moved up closer to my friend and started shining the light on the floor. And there it was … under the seat in front of my friend who had been so concerned about this lost item. It was a great relief because it would have been very costly to replace.
This little object lesson could go in a number of directions, but a few things stood out to me right away that are pretty obvious. The first is that it is difficult to see in the dark. It’s hard to find things and it can be hard to find our way … and it can be very frustrating and stressful. The second is that we often need each other to help us when we can’t see our way through the dark times. We are called on in the body of Christ to help carry one another’s burdens … to ask how we can help … and to be part of the solution as we work together. And then, and maybe the most important, we need a light to shine on the problem … to find what, or who, has been lost and to bring the one of value back where it is needed and wanted.
That was a very sweet object lesson this morning. I am so thankful the lost was found and peace returned to my friend’s heart and mind. Thank you, Lord, even in the little things. ❤️