Devoted to Fellowship
Devotion—what comes to mind when you think of what devotion entails or is? The first thing I think about is a faithful dog. Many of you, I am sure, remember the TV show Lassie. In nearly every show, Lassie rescues Timmy from some dangerous situation. I even experienced a dog's rescue when I fell into the waters of Buckeye Lake as a small child. The family dog, Mutsie, came to my rescue despite her fear of water.
Discipleship and Steadfastness
As Christians, it's crucial to recognize that life isn't always smooth sailing. Often, people will say, "How good God is! We prayed that it would not rain for our church picnic, and look at the lovely weather!” In times of not-so-smooth sailing, we must remain steadfast and believe in God.
The Disciple Journey Begins With Love
What is the greatest commandment from God? It is to "love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind" (Matthew 22:37). The verse goes on to say; "And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:39). At the core of God's desire for our lives, is for us to love others and to bring them to Christ.
What’s Happened to My Dear Old Church?
It is possible for our generation to drop it, to fumble the ball, as it were, and become the weak link in the chain of tradition that gets the Gospel across the gap from one generation to the next.
Seeking the Lost
Something happened this morning in church that was such an interesting object lesson, and actually was quite touching … at least to me.